Last night while laying in bed I picked up a book Scott recently brought home. It's called The Hole in our Gospel and it's written by the president of World Vision. I actually only got through the prologue of the book, but while reading I was so struck by his story. The story of an ordinary, every day man who went to Uganda and was completely broken. Broken by what his eyes saw, what his heart felt and truly where he found himself lacking. Here he had been a believer for over 20 years and what had he done to show the least of these, love, support and hope? The part that struck me was not only his experience but that the blinders of his safe comfortable life were torn away and he was gloriously ruined!!
I wonder what it will take for us to be gloriously ruined? For our eyes to be opened to not only the poverty crisis but the orphan crisis in the world. For us as believers to not look at another couple who are adopting and think well gee that's great, but to realize and remember there are 147 million just like him! Will it take a picture like this?
An image ingrained into your brain to remember that these children are without the basic necessities we so easily take for granted? Food, shelter, clothing, water....and the list goes on. And this picture is tame compared with many others I considered posting. I've posted video's on here that have shown pictures, clips and statistics about how many children go to bed each night hungry and with no one to hear their cry's. I wonder what it will take?
Does it always require a trip to a foreign land where we are immersed in a different culture? I don't think so. I've never been overseas, never seen 45-100 children in an orphanage begging for attention and love. I've never seen a 13 year old girl given to an older man and expected to start raising children while she still remains a child herself! Yet my heart has been torn in two. My heart aches as God gives me His eyes and allows me to see what I have never seen firsthand. I wonder what it will take?
What will it take for the people of God to start acting? To start being His hands and feet! To stop talking about it and start doing something! Scott and I started this adoption process because God broke our hearts. We started this process because we wanted to do something. But in doing this meager, very small something we have been stirred to do so much more!!!! To be a voice for those who don't have one, to help others stand up and find their voice. To walk with others as they search their own hearts regarding adoption and missions. And while walking through this incredible journey I've found that God doesn't require perfection or knowledge, He only requires a willing heart ready to do as He asks. Don't stand in fear of what if! Stand in awe that the God of the universe would allow us to be used! So I ask you again...
What is it going to take?
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