I tweeted tonight that if the heart of God dwells within the man of God than he will be broken. I say this because as my husband spoke with the teens tonight he was just that...broken! He stood before them broken over the youth of Odessa. And in turn asked them what they were broken over? What or who had their hearts broken for? Which got me to thinking....which usually translates into music and I thought of that song Hosanna...ever heard it? In the bridge it says 'break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for your kingdoms cause, as I walk from earth into eternity.'
And as I walk from this life into my eternal life worshipping a Holy God what is breaking my heart? Which piece of Jesus' heart has been given to me? What do I see that breaks the heart of God and in turn breaks mine? Is it the child who only knows love by the smack of a hand across his face? Is it the 14 year old girl who has been sold in marriage to start producing children while she still remains a child herself? Is it the one lost sheep out of 100 who wanders off after hearing truth all his life? What is it? Is it the child who lives in squalor while her parents are dying from treatable diseases? Is it the teen who has made a bad decision and been cast out by her parents? Is it the out of work dad trying to maintain his home against all odds? What is it?
I don't know about you but I want to be broken. Broken over the things that break the heart of Jesus. I don't want to look at another person who by societies standards is unlovable and walk away. I don't want to buckle to peer pressure and fall back on self gratification one more time. I want to be broken, broken enough to not just post a blog for you to read but broken enough to take action. Whether that means pouring into the life of a child or walking with a mom who has been broken by her abusive ex-husband...I don't know. I just know that being complacent, apathetic and ok with the status quo doesn't fly when I look around me. As my heart transforms more into the heart of God I see things differently and it causes my heart to break more. I invite you to pray the prayer in the song Hosanna with me.
Break my heart for what breaks yours God!
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause!
As I walk from earth into eternity!
All for Jesus and His honor and His glory because He is worthy!