Thursday, November 4, 2010

Making it Count

Here recently I have realized how quickly my babies are growing up! By no means am I saying they are on their way out of the house but both girls are daily reaching and passing milestones that are so important to their development and childhood. As I notice time flying by our family, I also notice how often I allow incredible opportunities to become moments of waste. Moments where I can influence and teach my girls the things I believe have value in this life. So we are going to start making every moment count! Not making them count for recognition or for me to look like a mom who has it all together, I don't! But simply because I believe that if I can teach them even something small once a week that is based on a piece of scripture than we all win! God clearly says that His word will not return void!

And since we find ourselves in the season of Thanksgiving I think it only right to start teaching Lily (and even Anna...she may be small but I promise she is taking it all in) about praising God for all He has given us. Our verse this week is Psalm 95:2 "Let us come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to him." So we made a Thankful Tree today! (please steal this idea if it seems appealing...I stole it from another mother!) And it worked out better than I anticipated. The idea behind this concept is you create a family tree with craft paper and paint and then every day in the month of November we attach a leaf for each child that says something we are thankful for. Today I let Lily do 4 leaves because she was so excited! The things she wanted to Thank Jesus for were, Mernie (this is Ariel the Little Mermaid), our House, the tree we just made and her Daddy!

This is our completed tree!

Lily's crazy turkey hand.

Precious Anna's little turkey!

And here is our tree with 4 construction paper leaves!
So, this is our November project! Already have my ideas for the month of December and cannot wait to see all my sweet girls soak up!